Casper Area - Job Training Casper Wyoming - Climb Wyoming Skip to the content

Progress Report 2024: Read graduate stories and see the impact Climb makes for Wyoming families

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Welcome to Climb in the Casper Area

Climb Wyoming’s Casper program was established in 2004, featuring trainings including welding, short-haul truck driving, office careers and healthcare careers.


951 N. Poplar St., Suite 100
Casper, WY 82601


(307) 237-2855


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Our Casper Staff

Jenn Whitehead
Program Director
Tabby Menzel
Assistant Program Director
Briana Black
Program Coordinator
Grace Niemitalo
Mental Health Provider

What Can You
Expect at an

Information meetings are held at each Climb Wyoming location right before a new Climb job training and career placement program begins. It’s a great time to get a real feel for the program and meet other moms who are taking this brave step together.

“Sometimes when people see struggle, they walk the other way. Climb does the opposite.”

– Hannah, Casper Graduate

Read Hannah’s Story

Graduation rate


Average monthly salary before and after Climb

591 Moms
1,098 Children

Served through our
Casper program

Graduation rate


Average monthly salary before and after Climb

591 Moms
1,098 Children

Served through our
Casper program


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Branding + Photography Braid Creative
Website Design Delightful Studios
Development Alchemy + Aim